Friday, February 19, 2010

When in doubt- Use a rubber band

The beginning of the year is no doubt hectic and moves at light speed.  The first few weeks, I was primarily concerned with staying on top of my schedule and one step ahead of every bloody nose I encountered.  There was on rare occasion, something that would stop me dead in my tracks and produce something I like to call belly laughs.  In the case of the rouge geo-board assignment, I had a student who had a particular fascination with rubber bands.  This curiosity and excitement did not spring from his enthusiasm for math, or even the artistic aspect of designing shapes with the rubber bands, instead it was his passion for dress up which spurred his eccentricity.  

One hectic afternoon, as the class was immersed in choice time, I was approached by a colleague with a question, but we both became immediately distracted by this student.  Before we could converse, our attention was struck by this student who had taken a jumbo rubber band and placed it around his head.  He had bands on his fingers and wrists and was humming to himself.  The sight of this little boy calmly humming with a giant rubber band head dressing while the rest of the class was enthralled in boisterous chaos was absolutely hilarious.  Every time I remember this scene I crack a wide smile.  It is such a giddy memory.

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