Friday, February 19, 2010

The Night Before School Starts…

Tis’ the night before school starts and all through the house, not a creature is stirring, not even a mouse. You can hear a pin drop as you crawl into bed, going over and over your checklist instead, of succumbing to slumber you’re tossing and turning.  You rehearse and go over your mid morning greetings, praying to God that you don’t have a crier.  Knowing full well your flexibility will be tested, since the morning schedule is sure to be adjusted.  Still you wish it was seven and the day was beginning. Though it’s been nearly three hours and you still aren’t sleeping. No yawning or dozing, absolutely no dreaming, struggling to keep your limbs from going numb. Now it’s almost 12:30 and your breathing steadies, you know if you don’t sleep, you’ll have bags in the morning.   So slowly but surely, after much apprehension you fitfully slip into an in between dreamland, filled with apples and singing and runaway children till finally all fades to black.

Tip:  Take a bubble bath or hot shower (something relaxing), drink tea and by all means try not to over think your upcoming week.  Do whatever you can to make your body relax!  Try last minute pampering, pretty soon you’ll be flat out exhausted.

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