Friday, February 19, 2010

The First Day of School

I found this idea on other Kinder teacher websites. Seriously they have the cutest ideas for the beginning of school.  These are Survival kits I made for my students parents.  They contained several items which were explained by a paper I enclosed.  

This paper has the explanation for all of the items I added to the parent goody bags.

Explaining calendar to my class for the first time.  They look mesmerized.  I'm pretty sure they just didn't know what to do with me. 

Going over classroom rules.  We had to review ALOT. Still reviewing actually.

Singing the weather helper song. Teaching them the hand motions.

Nothing goes as expected the first day of the rest of your life.  You arrive later than planned, forgetting then remembering lunch for the day as well as finding students waiting for you.  Inevitably, there will be at least one student who arrives inordinately early.  This is good to keep in mind if your classroom is connected to the outdoors and there is no yard duty in the morning.  Always have something for your students to do.  Also, don’t let the parents of your students leave without finding out who is picking their children up.  This again is very common sense but if someone gets sent home with the wrong adult or gets put on the wrong bus it will be traumatic for you and your student.  

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